Tuesday, June 19, 2012

To Catch a Predator

Last week, Bela sniffed out some illegal activity. She alerted me to the presence of a guy outside our building long before I was aware he was there. (She didn't bark; she doesn't 'do' barking. She simply stared at the door like a psycho, until I realized something had put her at unease.) Turns out, this guy was part of a larger group of guys that were casing the joint. Casing. That sounds very CSI of me to put it that way, but that is just the way it was.

As Bela and I made our way past the culprit, I gave him a cheerful hello, and she looked up at him, tail wagging, eager to make another friend. Yes, in terms of being a deterrant, we're screwed. We are together - the single most inviting pair of tenants a buglar could hope for. I practically asked the guy if he'd like to grab a drink, and I think I saw her actually slip him her phone number when I looked away.

This particular hoodlum slinked off into the night, as I had failed to put 2 + 2 together at that point. A buddy of his returned the following night; and a couple nights later they broke into my downstair's neighbor's apartment.

Now, I don't know if dudes like these return to the scene of a crime. I only know that they have pegged me and my neighbors as single lady dwellers that are often out and about and that they have had massive success in the hood. (They got a friend of mine down the block, as well as many other homes in the vicinity.)

If they were to attempt a breaking and entering while I were in the home, I can only imagine the scene. I would likely usher them in and just ask that they not take any good books I still want to read. Bela would wait for them to pet her, while they carried out any pricey items. (It would be over fairly quick, as I own virtually nothing of value.)

I have thought to take things a step further. I considered just taking my t.v. out and leaving it in front of my apartment door. That way, if they get into the outside door of the building - they can just grab that flat screen and be on their way. I realize, however, that they may not 'get it'. Like, they may not realize I set it there to just save them the hassle (me the horror) of them entering my actual apartment. So I think I would leave a note.

We, the housemates, are concerened. Taking extra safety meausres. There are the easier ones, like leaving lights on. We can all do that. We've been trying to think outside of the box, too. A friend and I entertained recording her husband's voice and playing it back from the window. (Home Alone may have helped out with this idea.) My coworkers asked if I could install a fake dog bark apparatus by the door. And the answer, I suppose - is, yes, I certainly could. But I'm pretty sure the fake bark apparatus target market is NON-DOG OWNERS.

For now, both Bela and I are on high alert. I'm going to trust that what we lack for in intimidation, we can make up for in attentiveness.

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