My cute stories, my daily anecdotes -- they used to be about Olivia. Nowadays, she may sneak her way in every once in a while, but for the most part, it's Bela, Bela and more Bela.
My co-workers pretend to perk up when I say, 'You have got to hear this!' and my mom and sister take my status calls as well. But I know that they ask themselves the same question I ask my very self:
Has Bela ousted Olivia??
The answer is not so easy; not so black-and-white.
Olivia used to be my eyebrow-raiser, the tiny friend that I got to play a part in taking care of.
That source is now Bela. I'm with her all the time! Bela is on the couch, next to the table, outside the shower curtain. She is my constant companion. Olivia, on the other hand, is a train or car ride away. I can often get her on the phone, but I have to fight for her attention, as there is usually a riveting episode of
The Smurfs on in the background, that she has seen only four or five times before...
I do try to withhold my stories from those without a child or a pet in their life (because I remember listening to such stories when I was in that place...) That said, Olivia stories may be especially endearing to mothers and Bela's to pet-owners, but they probably suck regardless. I'm going to have to say that the Olivia stories, in general, possibly have more content. Quotes that point out the absurdity of social life or give insight into acquisition of knowledge. Bela's quite often refer to...poop. Or how she's just a 'really really good dog'. Not a lot of substance there. I can turn the events of an average walk into a 15-minute storytime, much to the chagrin of my tortured co-workers and friends.
The obvious truth is that neither is more important then the other. They are my salt and pepper; I need them both in this life. And some of my happiest moments have been when the two beings that have taught me so much about love - are close together, loving each other.
So...these days I talk much more about Bela. But I still call Olivia a couple times a week, in hopes she'll take my call - and give me some substance with which to spin a story.