Monday, May 27, 2013

If Bela wrote about me...

...the things I think she'd say:

1. She builds little forts and comfort 'shelves' out of blankets when I nap. She'll tuck them behind my butt, under my chin, around my head and over my ensure I am (look) warm and cozy. It does make me warm, and yes, cozy...but it's certainly not needed.

2. Her OCD has gotten pretty bad, especially since we've been living on our own.
She checks the burners and the outlets and the fire alarm like 20,000 times every single time before she walks out the door. Then once she's outside the door, she locks it and re-locks it and checks the lock on it another 20,000 times. Her friends want to know why she's late occasionally? That's WHY.

3. She puts a LOT OF peanut butter in my kong when she goes.
(Yes, I think we're seeing a theme here and it's called: Kelly's guilt. The guilt of my mother.
It really does pay off sometimes, but I guess I feel bad that she feels bad. I'm really just hanging out when she's gone...)

4. She has a weak-ass arm. She pretty much can't excercise me without the aid of a Chuck-it. She looks a little dumb, always standing in the park with it at her side -- her arm extender. But it's necessary. It's just necessary.

5. She sings a lot. That's often soothing but can occasionally be just ridiculous. I think I'm the subject of most of her songs. Which is also soothing but kind of ridiculous.

6. She cries more than what I would say the average human does, but she cries less now than she used to. So there's that.

7. I love her.    Lovelovelovelovelove her. Love, outside the confines of loyalty. Love her.
She doesn't even know how much.

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